Setup Outlook 2000 or Earlier
The following is a step-by-step procedure for configuring your e-mail account for use with Microsoft Outlook Express 2000 or earlier. Your screens may vary slightly depending on the version you are currently using.
1. Open Outlook Express by double clicking the icon from your desktop or selecting it from your start > program files menu.
2. Select Tools > Accounts from the menu at the top of the screen.
3. Select the mail tab at the top of the next window and then select the Add button to the right, followed by the Mail.. selection.
4. A wizard will start up and ask you a series of questions to configure your account. You must use the proper information for your specific email address.
5. Enter a display name as you would like it to appear to others, and press the next button.
6. Enter in the email address
you want to use. Press the next button.
7. Enter in the incoming
POP3 mail server as
, and enter the outgoing SMTP server
. Press the next button.
8. Enter your full email address as the account name, including, and then enter in your password. Press the next button, then the finish button.
9. Now you need to set your account to use SMTP authentication so you can send email. Click on the account you just created then select the properties button.
10. Select the Servers tab on the new window. Place a check mark in the box under "Outgoing Mail Server", labeled "My server requires authentication", then click the OK button and close the accounts window. You are now ready to use your account!